Wednesday, September 3, 2014

#68 Symmetry

In this Proof for God, let’s take a look at “Symmetry” and think about all the symmetry in the world and whether or not it could have come about by randomness.

The dictionary definition of Symmetry is “the correspondence in size, form, and arrangement of parts on opposite sides of a plane, line, or point; regularity of form or arrangement in terms of like, reciprocal, or corresponding parts.”[1]

Everywhere you look, there is symmetry. The vast majority of things created by humans (intelligent beings) contain symmetry. Our vehicles, our furniture, our art, even our foods usually contain symmetry. Go into any type of retail store you can find and walk up and down the aisles and calculate the percentage of items that exhibit symmetry. It's clearly a very high percentage.

Nature too is full of symmetry. Almost every animal, bird, fish, insect, and even plant that I can think of contains symmetry.

You have two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, symmetrical teeth, two arms, two hands, two legs, two feet, and on and on. Even you have a lot of symmetry inside your body under your skin. All the way down to the microscopic level of the chemicals in your body, there is symmetry.

So here’s the big question, how could all of this totally dominant and overwhelming amount of symmetry come about if the original cause is random mutation. Start with something like an ameba in your mind and then imagine randomly adding appendages like arms or legs. The odds are very, very small that this process would produce any symmetry. That's by the definition of "random".

Now imagine the odds of getting exactly two arms in exactly symmetrical locations on both sides of the body. The odds are huge against getting just the two arms, but now you have to get two fully symmetrical hands at the end of those arms. Then you have to get two legs in symmetrical positions. That multiplies the odds exponentially. But we are just barely beginning. We still have to get two symmetrical eyes, and ears, and on and on. For each new symmetrical pair, multiply the odds exponentially higher.

The odds are impossibly high for getting just one eye. (See my Proof for God #45 The Eye  [2]) But in order to get two eyes randomly in exactly symmetrical positions on your face is astronomically more difficult. Why not imagine an eye randomly growing on the palm of one of your hands? Why couldn’t that happen within the principles of the Theory of Evolution? If Natural Selection were really in operation, that might just be a more ideal location than on your face. Evolution says everything developed gradually over great lengths of time. Then that must mean that one eye grew before the second eye grew, right? Two eyes (two arms, whatever) could not have suddenly appeared simultaneously because that is not slow and gradual.

Why not grow 3 or 4 arms? Wouldn’t that allow us to survive better? Why have arms just on the sides? Why not have an arm in the front and an arm in the back too?

Some animals ended up with exactly 4 legs (no arms and hands). Think about the odds of growing one leg, then a second leg, a third leg, and finally a fourth leg over many generations. Slow and gradual would mean one leg at a time and then we would have to wait at least a generation or two (or a hundred) before we could grow another leg. You can’t suddenly get 4 legs in one generation because that would seem to violate the Theory of Evolution. And also remember that the front legs are symmetrical side to side and so are the back legs, but they are usually not symmetrical front to back.

How about all the insects with 6 legs or spiders with 8 legs? How does the slow and gradual process explain 8 legs and the symmetry that is there? Why stop there? What about centipedes and millipedes. The record for most legs is the millipede which has 750 legs, all of them in symmetrical pairs.

Let’s think about birds. In the slow and gradual process of evolution, one arm or leg had to turn into a wing before the other one did, right? Birds could not have gotten two wings at the same time, in the same generation. Maybe it was many generations that birds had one wing and one leg before that leg started to change into a second wing in exactly the symmetrically opposite position on the other side of the body. If that second wing was misplaced by even a little bit, the bird would not be able to fly. It would just flop around generation after generation until both wings could balance each other out and could be coordinated so the bird could figure out how to fly with these two feathered appendages. That’s so silly.

But evolutionists must believe some version of the above scenarios. And they must believe that these impossibly complicated scenarios repeated themselves over and over again in hundreds of thousands of animals’ bodies, birds’ bodies, fish bodies, and insect bodies.

If random mutation were really the process by which all living species came into existence, then we would be looking all around us at way more craziness. There would not be much order at all. There would be very, very little symmetry.

If fact, what we see all around us is order. says that order is the opposite of random. Some antonyms (opposites) for the word, random, are “methodical, planned, systematic, definite, particular, and specific.” [3]

As I explained in my article on Mutation [4], (Proof for God #27) intelligent scientists have tried for 40 years to mutate a fairly simple species like a fruit fly into another species and they have not been able to do it. And they were trying on purpose. Smart people have been trying to do it, but without success. Therefore, it seems impossible to believe that mutation which man has never been able to cause on purpose could happen accidentally and end up producing all the incredibly complex species in the world.

The most simple and logical conclusion is that living species were designed by a super intelligence to be exactly the way that they are AND to NOT be able to be changed.

Scientists are constantly discovering new species never before seen and they estimate there are hundreds of thousands more, but never have they observed one species changing into another one. Surely they have been looking long and hard. Doesn’t it tell you something when the evidence is not there? Zip. Nada.

Another aspect of symmetry that needs to be mentioned is the inherent “Beauty”. Humans have an intellectual and spiritual ability to recognize order, harmony, and beauty in the universe. When we design things ourselves, we purposefully invest the qualities of order and beauty. Almost no one designs something on purpose that others would call ugly. It would never sell.

One of the most essential attributes of beauty is symmetry. So when we observe Nature and recognize the awesome symmetry and beauty that exists, it triggers in our mind and heart and appreciation of the creator of that beauty. That is a natural instinctive process.

If a person is unable to appreciate beauty, we would consider them to be handicapped in that way. We would feel sorry for them. Their life would seem dull, grey, sad, joyless, even “lifeless”, and pitiable. That’s what it must be like for those who sense the beauty around them but cannot appreciate the “heart” of the creator behind the beauty. For them everything came from nothing and randomness. There is no meaning and purpose bigger than themselves. How sad.

Symmetry is absolutely everywhere. Randomness is not everywhere; it’s difficult to find.

There has to be God.


[2] Stephens, Jim, Proof For God #45 The Eye,

[3] Thesaurus.Com. Antonyms for “random”,

[4] Stephens, Jim, Proof For God #27, The Truth about Mutation,


  1. Please do not cease your wonderful and insightful articles. I saw a brief Nature coverage on peregrine falcons that was totally amazing and proves, yet again, intelligent design over evolution.

    The peregrine is the worlds fiercest hunter and fastest animal, traveling in excess of over 240 mph during flights of attach referred to as "stoops". Breathing and acquiring oxygen is challenging at those speeds so the peregrine has a special cone inside it's nostrils that permits a internal vacuum and actually sucks air in as it thrusts along.

    In that such high speeds can make minute' solid particles destruct objects whereby even small particles have destructive forces as great as concrete blocks; the eyes of a peregrine have special retractile lens covers that deflect objects such as grains of sand from entering the eye, destroying sight and defeating capture of game and acquisition of sustenance.

    The flight of a peregrine in it's final descent for game traverses an elliptical curve that can reach g-forces as great as 25 (e.g. 25G), five times that of man's most sophisticated fighter aircraft while being able to use it's talons to selectively pick the particular prey it seeks from one or many moving objects on the ground.

    When compared to man's most elaborate designs on aircraft and related aeronautic weaponry; the mere peregrine has us beat in magnitudes If mere man with our superior intelligence can't design an aircraft that tops the speed and maneuverability of a small 1-2 feet long bird; surely there has to be an intelligent designer and therefore must be a creator making a great case for God.

  2. Please do not cease your wonderful and insightful articles. I saw a brief Nature coverage on peregrine falcons that was totally amazing and proves, yet again, intelligent design over evolution.

    The peregrine is the worlds fiercest hunter and fastest animal, traveling in excess of over 240 mph during flights of attach referred to as "stoops". Breathing and acquiring oxygen is challenging at those speeds so the peregrine has a special cone inside it's nostrils that permits a internal vacuum and actually sucks air in as it thrusts along.

    In that such high speeds can make minute' solid particles destruct objects whereby even small particles have destructive forces as great as concrete blocks; the eyes of a peregrine have special retractile lens covers that deflect objects such as grains of sand from entering the eye, destroying sight and defeating capture of game and acquisition of sustenance.

    The flight of a peregrine in it's final descent for game traverses an elliptical curve that can reach g-forces as great as 25 (e.g. 25G), five times that of man's most sophisticated fighter aircraft while being able to use it's talons to selectively pick the particular prey it seeks from one or many moving objects on the ground.

    When compared to man's most elaborate designs on aircraft and related aeronautic weaponry; the mere peregrine has us beat in magnitudes If mere man with our superior intelligence can't design an aircraft that tops the speed and maneuverability of a small 1-2 feet long bird; surely there has to be an intelligent designer and therefore must be a creator making a great case for God.

  3. I find the order and symmetry in the world one of the strongest arguments for an intelligent designer. I always thought symmetry in life could be explained by the fact the the cell always divides in two even though that is a weak argument for symmetry of form. However, I was blown away to find this exists at the molecular chemical level. Not all the chemical molecules that exist are symmetrical but from what I've read each one that isnt has a matching mirror image molecule called an enantiomer.
