Sunday, November 22, 2015

#96 Blood

I have been reading numerous scientific articles about blood. This information is astounding. There is only one rational conclusion, your body is a walking miracle.

I recommend that those who believe that random chance and "survival of the fittest" can result in such a miracle need to take a step back and examine their motivations. They might ask themselves honestly why they want so badly that evolution be true.

The best current estimate of scientists is that there are 37.2 trillion cells in your body, not counting all the microbes. [1] Inside each and every one of those cells there are approximately 10 million chemical reactions taking place every second of your life. [2] Every chemical reaction requires oxygen and fuel, and then removal of any waste. Let’s thank God for our blood, otherwise every cell that does not come in contact with it would die.

And just how does blood get near enough to every cell. It travels through an incredible network of capillaries. Capillaries are so thin that about 40 of them equals the width of a human hair. If you lined up all the capillaries in your body, it would reach 60,000 miles, ¼ of the way to the Moon. [3]

If you believe that life developed slowly and gradually over many generations, which came first blood or capillaries. If blood developed first, was it just sitting there in a pool? If capillaries developed first, what was their purpose if there was no blood to circulate?

The story of blood is phenomenal. About two weeks after a sperm fertilizes an egg, the zygote has gotten so big that the growing number of cells cannot survive. They need a transport system to get oxygen and nutrients. Perfectly on time, some of the developing cells form into tubes that start pumping. (See Proof for God #79 The Heart) Simultaneously, capillaries start forming as well as blood.

Red Blood Cells start forming in a temporary “blood forming sac” that grows on the outside of the embryo. By the middle of month two, RBC production will now be taken over by the fetal liver and spleen. By month number five, RBC production is now taking place in the bone marrow of the fetal upper legs and shins. It continues to be made there in children, but eventually it moves again. In adults, most RBCs are produced in the bone marrow of the pelvis, cranium, vertebrae, and sternum.

The fine-tuning of this whole process screams out that it was intelligently designed. Even the few things that I have pointed out so far could not have developed in a slow and linear process over many generations. The organism would never survive.

And this is just the beginning.

Men on average have about a gallon and a half of blood and women a little over a gallon. It is about 45 percent blood cells (nearly half) and 55 percent plasma. Blood makes up about 7 to 8 percent of your weight. [4]

“The liquid component of blood is called plasma, a mixture of water, sugar, fat, protein, and salts. The main job of the plasma is to transport blood cells throughout your body along with nutrients, waste products, antibodies, clotting proteins, chemical messengers such as hormones, and proteins that help maintain the body's fluid balance.” [5]

If you think that is complicated, we are just scratching the surface. But stop and think how a slow and gradual process based on mutation and natural selection over many generations could produce all of those absolutely essential functions of blood one by one and not have the organism die off somewhere along the way, probably at the very beginning. There are too many limiting factors that kill a cell if all those processes are not in place from the beginning. These are mind-boggling chemical reactions. For just a taste, read Proof for God #74 Proteins.

Now we’ll start to get extremely complicated. There are three more basic components in blood that I want to discuss briefly (if possible).

1. Red Blood Cells (also called erythrocytes or RBCs) which carry oxygen to the tissues.
2. White Blood Cells (also called leukocytes) which fight infections.
3. Platelets (also called thrombocytes), smaller cells that help blood to clot. [6]

Red Blood Cells

RBCs are produced in bone marrow and develop from a generic type of cell (pluripotential hematopoietic stem cells) that could also have become a White Blood Cell or even Platelets. It is very difficult to imagine how complicated this is. There are sensors in the body that turn on or off switches that control how much of each type of cell is made. There is a hormone (called erythropoietin) which comes primarily from the kidneys and that is what controls the production of Red Blood Cells. Think about that. A hormone from the kidneys controls production of RBCs in the bone marrow. How many generations does it take to “evolve” that process?

RBCs are really, really unique. They have no nucleus because the cell loses it during growth along with other organelles. [7] They are shaped somewhat like a donut which just happens to be the best design of surface area for absorbing a full load of oxygen in a fraction of a second. They are made from five very specialized proteins that are very flexible. This is vitally important because they are about twice as big as a capillary and need to bend nearly in half to travel down the capillary and then spring back into shape on their way back to the heart.

RBCs are loaded with a protein called hemoglobin that is a fantastic carrier of oxygen and carbon dioxide. There are 250 million hemoglobin molecules in each of your billions of RBCs. [8]

Your body makes about 2 million RBCs every second to replace those that die off. [9] In men, there are an average of 5,200,000 RBCs per cubic millimeter and in women there are an average of 4,600,000 RBCs per cubic millimeter. The ratio of cells in normal blood is 600 RBCs to 1 White Blood Cell and 40 platelets.

Amazingly, RBCs do not eat up any of the oxygen themselves as they carry it out to all your cells. Special enzymes provide the power they need. This is another process that precludes evolution and necessitates a master designer.

Thankfully, the RBCs also remove Carbon Dioxide from our cells. The RBCs carry a certain enzyme (called carbonic anhydrase) which processes most of the CO2 (70%) and takes it back to the lungs for elimination. [10] That sure looks like a designed plan also. Enzymes don’t form by accident and even if they did, you would still have to get the exact right one in the right place.

White Blood Cells

These are the amazing cells that circulate throughout our bodies to fight disease. They are made in the bone marrow from the same original cells as the Red Blood Cells. WBCs come in the following six main types, with their average percentages:

• Neutrophils - 58 percent. Have faintly blue-pink granules with digestive enzymes to eat bacteria.
• Eosinophils - 2 percent. Have orange-red granules. They kill parasites and have a role in allergic reactions..
• Basophils - 1 percent. Have purple granules. They are not well understood, but they release histamine.
• Bands - 3 percent. These are immature Neutrophils.
• Monocytes - 4 percent. They kill bacteria and also destroy old, damaged and dead cells in the body.
• Lymphocytes - 4 percent.

“Neutrophils and monocytes use several mechanisms to get to and kill invading organisms. They can squeeze through openings in blood vessels by a process called diapedesis. They move around using ameboid motion. They are attracted to certain chemicals produced by the immune system or by bacteria and migrate toward areas of higher concentrations of these chemicals. This is called chemotaxis. They kill bacteria by a process called phagocytosis, in which they completely surround the bacteria and digest them with digestive enzymes.” [11]

Our disease fighting immune system is phenomenal, to say the least. The smartest scientists can't come close to copying it, let alone making a better one. 

When the WBCs release the granules into the blood stream to fight disease, they last for about 4 to 8 hours before being absorbed into body tissues and sticking around another 4 or 5 days. What an amazing system for fighting disease for you. How can anyone conceptualize how this could have evolved?


When you cut yourself, your blood will clot and form a scab. Did you ever ask yourself why your blood does not clot inside your body and turn you into a statue? The smooth inner surface of the blood vessels and a finely tuned balance of chemicals or “clotting factors” keeps that from happening. [12] Evolutionists must believe that we are really lucky that blood clotting worked perfectly the very first time. Otherwise we would have bled out completely on the ground or else frozen solid from internal clotting.

“…platelets are not actually cells but rather small fragments of cells. Platelets help the blood clotting process (or coagulation) by gathering at the site of an injury, sticking to the lining of the injured blood vessel, and forming a platform on which blood coagulation can occur. This results in the formation of a fibrin clot, which covers the wound and prevents blood from leaking out. Fibrin also forms the initial scaffolding upon which new tissue forms, thus promoting healing.” [13]

The number of platelets also has to have a controlling chemical process so there is just the right number in your body. Too many platelets and people would be getting strokes and heart attacks. Too few and we’d lose a lot of blood to excessive bleeding. Here again it looks like there must have been a very intelligent designer.

Okay, I’m sure you are getting the idea and are probably tired of reading so I’m going to wrap it up now.

There are different types of Platelets: T-cells and B-cells. The T-cells come in 4 types: (1) Helper T cells, (2) Cytotoxic T cells, (3) Memory T cells, and (4) Suppressor T cells. Each of them has their own unique chemicals and very complex purposes.

And I haven’t even talked about the Plasma, which makes up 55% of your blood.

In conclusion, there must be God.

[1], "There are 37.2 Trillion Cells in Your Body",

[2] Guliuzza, Randy J., "Life-Giving Blood",

[3] Guliuzza, Randy J., "Life-Giving Blood",

[4] American Society of Hematology, "Blood Basics",
(Excellent 52 sec video: )

[5] American Society of Hematology, "Blood Basics",

[6] WebMD article, “Heart Health Center”,

[8] Guliuzza, Randy J., "Life-Giving Blood",

[9] U. S. National Library of Medicine, "Red blood cell production",

[12] WebMD article, “Heart Health Center”,

[13] American Society of Hematology, "Blood Basics",

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