Thursday, November 27, 2014

#73 Punctuated Equilibrium

Many people have never even heard of The Theory of Punctuated Equilibrium. It has been around since 1972 and it spells the end of Darwinism as you know it.

As I have explained fully in Proof #18, The Fossil Record [1] and Proof #58, The Cambrian Explosion [2], there is no evidence in the fossil record for Darwinism, the slow and gradual emergence of new species from previous species by passing through transitional forms (also called Missing Links, see Proof #64 [3]).

Even Darwin himself recognized this, but he blamed an inadequate fossil record. Ever since Darwin, as more and more fossils were discovered without any transitional forms, evolutionists found this only an uninteresting observation not disproof, if they acknowledged it at all. Certainly they kept it an unspoken secret if it could damage belief in Darwinism.

Here are two quotes from 1980.

“The missing link between man and the apes, whose absence has comforted religious fundamentalists since the days of Darwin, is merely the most glamorous of a whole hierarchy of phantom creatures. In the fossil record, missing links are the rule:  the story of life is as disjointed as a silent newsreel, in which species succeed one another as abruptly as Balkan prime ministers. The more scientists have searched for the transitional forms between species, the more they have been frustrated.” [4]

“… Evidence from fossils now points overwhelmingly away from classical Darwinism which most Americans learned in high school:…Increasingly scientists now believe that species change little for millions of years and then evolve quickly, in a kind of quantum leap…The theory is still being worked out” [5]

You didn’t know that Evolutionists don’t believe in Darwinism any more, did you?

Darwinism actually began to die out among paleontologists even earlier in 1954 when Ernst Mayr published his paper, “Change of genetic environment and evolution". [6] He showed that Darwin’s theory of slow and gradual evolution could not work in real life if there were large numbers of a given species. He proposed “Allopatric speciation” as the process of evolution and it was generally accepted by 1972.

“Allopatric speciation suggests that species with large central populations are stabilized by their large volume and the process of gene flow. New and even beneficial mutations are diluted by the population's large size and are unable to reach fixation, due to such factors as constantly changing environments. If this is the case, then the transformation of whole lineages should be rare, as the fossil record indicates.” [7]

After 120 years of observing the fossil record, the evolutionists finally recognized that any given species does not change much, if at all, for millions upon millions of years. True believers that they are, this didn’t stop them. Darwin’s Theory of Evolution predicted that there would be slow and gradual changes upward over time resulting in many new species. This didn’t show up. Rather than say that the Theory of Evolution was wrong, they decided that the slow and gradual must have been wrong.

They didn’t think to tell every school teacher after about 1954 that what they are teaching about slow and gradual evolution is false. The evolutionists let them go on teaching Darwinian evolution that they themselves no longer believe.

“In 1972, paleontologists Niles Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould published a landmark paper developing this theory and called it punctuated equilibria. Their paper built upon Ernst Mayr's theory of geographic speciation, I. Michael Lerner's theories of developmental and genetic homeostasis, as well as their own empirical research. Eldredge and Gould proposed that the degree of gradualism commonly attributed to Charles Darwin is virtually nonexistent in the fossil record, and that stasis dominates the history of most fossil species.” [8]

Let me add my own emphasis to double the impact: Darwinian gradualism is virtually nonexistent. 

The Theory of Punctuated Equilibrium states that a species will stay almost exactly the same for millions of years, i.e. in stasis or equilibrium, until there are sudden “punctuated” changes of a huge degree and a whole new species emerges in a very short period of time. The original species will probably continue to exist but a new daughter species will spring up suddenly in some isolated location from a small population. Only a small group of individuals could change so radically in a short geological time frame into a new species.

Here is an astounding statement which is found in Wikipedia. “Before Eldredge and Gould alerted their colleagues to the prominence of stasis in the fossil record, most evolutionists considered stasis to be rare or unimportant.” [9] Darwinism predicts there is slow and gradual change over time and yet Wikipedia says the fact that nothing was changing over time was unimportant to them!

This admission and the new theory obviously turns Darwinism on its head. However, evolutionists, even if they don’t see evidence, still believe it is the truth. Evolution is still true even if they can’t find evidence yet. Besides, they concluded, there was never any real requirement that the changes be slow and gradual.

“…at a conference in mid-October at Chicago’s Field Museum of Natural History, the majority of 160 of the world’s top paleontologists, anatomists, evolutionary geneticists and developmental biologists supported some form of this theory of “punctuated equilibria.” [10]

Let me say that more clearly for you. A majority of the world’s top scientists agreed in 1980 that Darwinism as it was taught to you in school is false. Hence my conclusion, Darwinism has died.

Therefore for teachers to teach that scientists believe in Darwinism has been false since at least 1980.

Punctuated Equilibrium accounts for the fossil record much better than Darwinism. But you are probably asking yourself, “How could such massive changes take place evolving a new species in a short period of time if it hasn't happened over millions of years?” The new theory explains this by saying that the massive changes take place in small fringe populations that get isolated from the larger populations. The huge changes take place in a short geologic period of time, i.e. a few thousand years through processes something like inbreeding and major environmental shifts.

This is very helpful because it explains why there are no transitional fossils, no missing links. The populations were isolated and also there were relatively few individuals, therefore they were less likely to leave fossils in the record.

It’s also very helpful to evolutionists because it predicts that you won’t find the fossils you need to prove it’s true. So also you conveniently won’t be able to find any evidence that the theory is false either.

Many philosophers of science accept a definition of a valid scientific theory as one that is based upon (1) repeatable observations, (2) one that is subject to testing and making accurate predictions, and (3) one that is "falsifiable."  The “punctuationists” clearly have some problems having a valid scientific theory.

Random Mutation and Natural Selection cannot be shown to create any new species even over very long periods of time, so the best new theory evolutionists have come up with is that it must happen over a very short period of time. Their theorized descriptions come off sounding very scientific and very complicated, but the bottom line is that there is no evidence that the process actually works or could work.

Here is an astounding statement by an evolutionist.

“The core observation that once most species show up in the fossil record they exhibit hardly any change at all – not uncommonly remaining essentially static for millions of years – was made 150 years ago and was known to Darwin, but little was made of it until comparatively recently.” [11]

The Theory of Evolution predicts slow and gradual change over time. However, they made the “core observation” for 150 years that this was NOT happening and yet “little was made of it.” Do they really call themselves scientists?

“Now we admit that evolution is more of a fits-and-starts affair than we used to think. This hardly seems to be the stuff of revolution.”[12]

That quote is from Niles Eldredge, who came up with punctuated equilibrium. He can say it is no big deal, but it means traditional Darwinism is dying out, if it’s not already dead. To me that is certainly very revolutionary. Why, because all the schools teaching Darwinism need to stop it right now.

Probably, it will take time, but the handwriting is already on the wall. Darwinism is dead. What you and I learned in school and what is still being taught today is FALSE and they know it. And they don’t have any viable proof for their latest theory either, just blind faith and hope they can find some other mechanism in the future to make the theory come true without God.

I thought you should know what many of the scientists have admitted to themselves since 1972.

We believers can see that evolutionism is pure faith, not science, even if they can’t.

Actually their faith is less scientific than someone’s faith that there is a Creator God. The theory of a Creator better explains the scientific facts. Maybe if evolutionists keep researching, they’ll eventually find God, but only if they are willing to go where the evidence leads them.

The only truly scientific conclusion is that there must be God.

[1] Jim Stephens, Proof for God #18 The Fossil Record,

[2] Jim Stephens, Proof for God #58, The Cambrian Explosion,

[3] Jim Stephens, Proof for God #64, Missing Links,

[4] Jerry Adler and John Carey, Is Man A Subtle Accident?, Newsweek Magazine, November 3, 1980, page 95

[5] Jerry Adler and John Carey, Is Man A Subtle Accident?, Newsweek Magazine, November 3, 1980, page 95

[6] Mayr, Ernst (1954). "Change of genetic environment and evolution" In J. Huxley, A. C. Hardy and E. B. Ford. Evolution as a Process. London: Allen and Unwin, pp. 157-180.

[7] Wikipedia, Punctuated Equilibrium, Theoretical mechanisms,

[8] Princeton University Website, article on Punctuated Equilibrium,

[9] Wikipedia, Punctuated equilibria, section on Stasis.

[10] Jerry Adler and John Carey, Is Man A Subtle Accident?, Newsweek Magazine, November 3, 1980, page 95

[11] Niles Eldredge, Evolutionary Housekeeping, Natural History Magazine, February, 1982, page 79

[12] Niles Eldredge, Evolutionary Housekeeping, Natural History Magazine, February, 1982, page 80

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