Sunday, June 15, 2014

#62 Common Sense

All people have what is called “Common Sense” (to a greater or lesser degree it seems). This is the ability to organize our experiences in life and our observations into a coherent understanding of how things work.

This definition is from Wikipedia: “Common sense is a basic ability to perceive, understand, and judge things, which is shared by ("common to") nearly all people, and can be reasonably expected of nearly all people without any need for debate. ...a type of basic awareness and ability to judge which most people are expected to share naturally, even if they can not explain why.” [1]

You’ve probably heard the expression “That doesn’t make sense”. This is based on our ability to judge our environment and make rational order of it. This is part of our intelligence. It can only exist because there is genuine order in the world around us and not chaos. There is a natural order of things and there are universal laws and principles.

Let’s take a statement like, “Rocks turned into people”. Your reaction would probably be “that doesn’t make any sense”. Yet that is a basic conclusion you would have to draw from so-called “scientific theories” that don’t include God. Atheists must necessarily believe that given billions of years, starting from rocks, eventually through purely chemical processes, then life accidentally started. Then came bacteria, and from bacteria life kept getting more and more complicated until humans came about.

Common Sense pretty much would tell you that life didn’t come from rocks no matter how long you waited, even billions upon billions of years.

If I tell you that there is absolutely nothing in a certain place, then suddenly for no reason there was a huge explosion and after that there were huge stars and planets everywhere, what would you say? “That doesn’t make any sense.” Precisely. If there was nothing, what exploded? And why?

At the same time as the Big Bang exploded and produced gigantic amounts of matter, it also produced universal laws of physics and chemistry. It also produced time and space. Does that make sense?

How about this? There was a huge explosion, then after a while, tiny particles began to move closer together. Eventually they turned into rocks, which became huge. Then they started to spin and they got hotter and hotter. “That doesn’t make any sense.” You’re right. Our experience tells us that after an explosion, matter is far apart and does not come back together on its own.

There are a lot of stars in the Universe, at least 11 trillion for every person on earth. Starting from Nothing, Nothing exploded and created huge amounts of dust which then violated physical and chemical laws by coming together trillions upon trillions of times to make stars out of the dust. Sorry, this doesn’t make sense.

Where did the energy for that explosion come from? It was an extreme amount of energy to be sure. We were taught in school that energy is “neither created nor destroyed, it just changes forms”. Does that make sense?

By the way, the Big Bang produced ONLY the elements of Hydrogen, Helium, and maybe Lithium. [2] [3] This took roughly 300,000 years. Somehow those 2 or 3 elements eventually became all of the 100 plus other elements of the Periodic Table all by themselves. I'm having trouble. This is not making sense.

You’ve probably heard that scientists do not believe in “Spontaneous Generation”, the concept that life can spring up from non-life. [4] [5] Atheists must necessarily believe in Spontaneous Generation. Clearly there was no life at one time and now there is. If it wasn’t spontaneously generated, then where did it come from? Common Sense is against spontaneous generation.

Or how about the idea that if you take lots of different rocks and rain on them for a long time until you have soup, out of the soup comes life. The goo became you. This violates the principle that all particles in water become dispersed, not organized. Probably many other laws are violated as well.

So what if you zap it with a lightning bolt? Our Common Sense will tell us that the energy added from a lightning bolt creates more chaos, not complexity. Adding energy creates an explosion, not life. (See my article on the First Living Cell. [6])

Do you believe that over a long, long time everything got more complex all by itself? Doesn’t make any sense to me. Over time everything rusts, decays, or falls apart.

Do you believe that adding energy in the form of sunlight will cause more complexity and organization? That doesn’t make any sense. Adding random energy hastens decay. Only adding energy PLUS adding intelligence creates better organization.

Intelligent scientists trying for 40 years could not mutate a fruit fly into anything else but a fruit fly. Do you believe if given enough time that it could randomly happen WITHOUT intelligence? Doesn’t make any sense. (Check out my article #27 The Truth About Mutation [7])

If I told you, “My house built itself over thousands and thousands of years. There was no creator. It happened slowly and gradually, one small piece at a time.” You didn’t see what happened over thousands of years and you’re not a scientist, so how do you know the truth? A house is not all that complicated, especially when compared to a human body, so maybe “It could have happened.” The odds are against it, but it could have happened. The house got there somehow, obviously because it’s there. I’m sorry, no. Even billions of years is never enough time for my house to build itself. It had to have a creator.

Here’s my point. I’m not denying that the Big Bang happened. But I am denying that it could have happened without God. Common Sense will also tell you that every step of the way from the Big Bang to human beings, adding more and more complexity, going against the laws of chemistry and physics, would never have happened UNLESS there is an outside force and intelligence acting.

There must be God.

[1] Wikipedia. Common Sense.

[2] Wikipedia, Big Bang nucleosynthesis,

[3] Berkeley University, Big Bang nucleosynthesis,

[4] Wikipedia, Spontaneous Generation,
“Disproof of the traditional ideas of spontaneous generation is no longer controversial among professional biologists.”

[5] Encyclopaedia Britannica, Spontaneous Generation, “By the 18th century it had become obvious that higher organisms could not be produced by nonliving material. The origin of microorganisms such as bacteria, however, was not fully determined until Louis Pasteur proved in the 19th century that microorganisms reproduce.”

[6] Jim Stephens, Proof #41 The First Living Cell,

[7] Jim Stephens, Proof #27, The Truth About Mutation,

1 comment:

  1. I dont think any atheist thinks "Rocks turned into people". They may be willing to believe chemicals did though and why does this not have to make sense if we ARE made out of chemicals and parts of our consciousness ARE controlled by chemicals?
